Le profil de Spore London t/a Codec, startup AdTech - Martech
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Spore London t/a Codec


London, Royaume-Uni

Codec is a CultureTech - an Audience Intelligence and Planning Partner built on award-winning AI. We help brands understand audience culture and activate that understanding to build value and drive growth.

Our unique technology will help your brand generate insights to unlock Community Capital - a new type of cultural value, defined by and shared with communities - that is integral to brand growth.

AdTech - Martech

en bref


Business model


N° Immat:

Oc London, 10 John Street, London, England, WC1N 2EB

Notre offre

Ce que nous apportons aux entreprises

Secteurs cibles

Alimentaire / Boissons / Restauration

Banque / Finance

Biens de consommation

Mode / Luxe / Beauté

Sport / E-Sport

Voyage / Tourisme / Hôtellerie / Loisirs

Métiers cibles

Marketing - Communication

Innovation - R&D

Partenariat(s) recherché(s)

Relation commerciale

Produits et services proposés

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Personne de l'équipe


Commercial Director




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